
if the angle formed by the bisector of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle equals 50 degrees, find a base angle

Accepted Solution

Answer:[tex]65°[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:You have an angle bisector at 50°, therefore having an isosceles triangle with two congruent sides and base angles, This is where we use the Triangular Interior Angles Theorem. We know that adding 130° to 50° gives us 180° altogether because the sum of the interior angles in a triangle always 180°. Now, onward with this:[tex]50° + 130° = 180° \\ \\ 65° = \frac{130°}{2}[/tex]Since we have TWO base angles, we must take half of 130° to get the measure of both angles separately.I am joyous to assist you anytime.